What We Do

Our expertise

Kittleman is the first executive search firm to focus exclusively on nonprofit executive searches.

Kittleman created the concept of nonprofit executive search in 1963 and has led the field ever since, defining and exemplifying the highest standards for nonprofit executive search. 

Since our founding, Kittleman has placed over 2,000 executives at over 2,000 nonprofits.


Executives placed


Nonprofit clients

Every principal consultant at Kittleman has prior leadership experience in a nonprofit.

Each of our consultants bring personal, in-the-trenches experiences in nonprofit leadership to the table that will help inform and shape the search process.

The consultant leading your search will have deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation for your role, as well as that of the entire board, the search committee, the outgoing leader and the candidates.

Put simply, our unique combination of prior nonprofit leadership and deep expertise in executive search for prominent nonprofits across a wide range of sectors makes Kittleman exceptionally prepared to support the complexities of every CEO transition.

Every consultant and team member at Kittleman is 100% committed to supporting your organization’s future.

We begin our work by immersing ourselves in your organization—diving deeply into your history, mission and vision—and then embracing your highest aspirations as the driving inspiration for our search.

Your organization’s future matters as deeply to us as it does to you.

Aligning our goals with yours comes naturally to every team member. We care about charitable organizations because we have been on those front lines ourselves.