What We Do

Our process

Meet & assess the opportunity

Crystallize & begin the search

Source & cultivate candidates

Finalize & support transition

Meet & assess the opportunity

To prepare for the search, we conduct a brief organizational assessment. Typically, this assessment is done on-site.

Through a series of conversations with board members, senior staff and key stakeholders we develop a thorough understanding of the organization, its priorities, key issues and culture.

We also identify the key competencies, abilities and personal attributes required for qualifying candidates.

Crystallize & begin the search

Based on this understanding, we then draft a Position Guide that describes the opportunity as well as the profile of the candidates we seek.

We create a calendar which specifically outlines the deliverables and major milestones of the search process.

We develop and implement a sourcing strategy specifically designed to identify and recruit candidates who fit the profile and culture of the organization.

Our outreach efforts consist of phone calls and emails to our relevant sources, professional and social networking and website advertising.

Source & cultivate candidates

We review and screen all resumes that are received as a result of our candidate identification process, referrals, postings or nominations. Any individual who expresses an interest in the position after the search has begun, regardless of the source of the referral, must be referred to us in order to be considered. This ensures equal and objective treatment of candidates as well as continuity in the search process.

After qualified candidates have been identified, we prepare and present a summary of each candidate’s qualifications, resume and letter of interest.

Following discussion of these candidates, we mutually select those candidates to be invited for initial interviews.

We take responsibility for arranging all interviews with the candidates and we keep in close contact with each candidate as the interview and selection process moves forward.

Once a finalist is identified, we conduct final reference and background checks.

Finalize & support transition

We serve as a third party to extend and defend your offer to the candidate and negotiate the agreement and closure including identification of the starting date and transition issues as they arise.

We also assist in developing the on-boarding plan and continue to provide follow-up services up to the first anniversary of employment.